
Chelsea Baulch
“The Women in Economic and Community Development group is essential to the growth of MEDC’s programming and engagement of our current and future membership. This group is empowering by allowing us to share and grow professionally as women while utilizing resources outside our sector. I am encouraged by the growth of women entering into economic and community development and thankful for the support of the entire membership to continue to put an emphasis on. “

Brandi Hough
Director of Business Development
Harrison County Development Partnership
“I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of MEDC's Inaugural Emerging Leaders Program. I've developed a network of people that I can call on as a mentor both professionally and personally, learned best practices from some of the best leaders across the state of Mississippi, and gained a new group of friends from my emerging leader's class. “

Pablo Diaz
President & CEO
Vicksburg-Warren County Economic Development Partnership
“The Mississippi Economic Development Council is an invaluable resort to communities across Mississippi as they seek to improve economic development opportunities for their residents. From training for developers across the state, to advocacy for statewide policies that create higher paying jobs, MEDC works to ensure Mississippi is at the leading edge of economic development practices that benefit all Mississippians.”

Maddin Hutto
Project Manager
Community Development Foundation
"MEDC is a wonderful network of some of CDF's partners in Economic Development. As a new project manager it's critical that I use opportunities like this [2019 Legislative Conference] to meet, network and continue building relationships with folks who can help my community be successful in recruiting industry. Also, MEDC is a great place to share best practices on talent recruitment and to learn other ways to stay relevant in economic development in 2019."

Angela Curry
Executive Director
Greenwood-Leflore Industrial Board
"MEDC provides the latest and greatest information on professional development topics that help me to do my job more effectively and efficiently. I have been a member of MEDC for nearly 20 years and would recommend that anyone involved in community and economic development support this innovative organization.
MEDC certainly complements the work that we do for any community as economic developers. I highly recommend MEDC membership and programs to anyone in the profession."

George L. Freeland, Jr.
Executive Director
Jackson County Economic Development Foundation
"MEDC is dedicated to raising the profile of the economic development profession. My membership has enhanced my own professional development and positioned me to more effectively serve my community. Be it cutting-edge conference topics and presenters, educational workshops, opportunities for information exchange through networking events, innovative professional development courses, or mentoring programs, MEDC directly impacts its member’s qualifications and ultimately advances the pace of economic development in Mississippi."

Beth Stevens
Executive Director
Greenwood-Leflore County Chamber of Commerce
"Being connected to others in my profession is important to me. That’s why I find my MEDC membership so invaluable. I can always touch base with a fellow MEDC member, and we can share information and ideas that we can put to use right away. Not to mention that I have friends everywhere I go in Mississippi! The MEDC network has been a great resource to me."

Chad Newell
Area Development Partnership
"MEDC brings economic development and chamber of commerce professionals together to learn, network, and craft initiatives that lead to a stronger economy here in Mississippi. The winter and summer conferences provide excellent programming and networking opportunities. Everyone has a great time together and stays abreast of current policies and trends that impact our respective communities. MEDC's programs and services provide an excellent return on investment. Everyone engaged in economic development here in Mississippi should give strong consideration to joining this organization."